
Masters in Fine Arts from
Mary Baldwin University
Meadowlark Shakespeare Players

We, Meadowlark Shakespeare Players, are the latest generation of the Shakespeare & Performance MFA company at Mary Baldwin University. Throughout our 2023-2024 season, we will produce works in Staunton that are free and open to the public, as well as touring productions and educational workshops for students of all ages.
Through special attention to spectacle, music, and design, we strive to make excellent, engaging, and inviting art for both ourselves and our audiences. By using genderfluid casting and highlighting queer and feminist narratives, we create theatre that converses with the early modern canon while welcoming a plurality of modern voices onstage. Our community partners help to bring our shows to life through unique artisanal contributions that showcase and celebrate a variety of local talent.
We make this theatre to deepen the roots of the Shakespeare & Performance program in the broader Staunton community, creating a precedent of both environmental and social sustainability for future MBU theatremakers. Our work is eclectic yet communal, intimate yet spectacular: past, present and future.
Meet the MeadowLarks

Devlin Ford (she/her) is an Acting concentration from Stansbury Park, UT. She holds a BFA in Classical Acting from Southern Utah University and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season she appears as Perdita in The Winter’s Tale, Cressida/Aeneas/Calchas in Troilus & Cressida, Jasper in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and Firestone in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Devlin appeared as Willmore in The Rover, Olivia in Twelfth Night, and Bawd in Pericles. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Artistic Director of Any Other Name Company, Cassius in Julius Caesar (Women of Will Company), and Shelby in Steel Magnolias (Hale Center Theatre).

Morgan Ford (she/her) is an Acting concentration from Boston, MA. She holds a BA from Boston University and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season she appears as Peaseblossom/Flute in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Lady Landsworth/Lady La Basset/Elder Clerimont/Choreographer in The Beau Defeated, Nell/Production Dramaturg in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and Francisca in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Morgan appeared as Ned Blunt in The Rover, Viola in Twelfth Night, and Pericles in Pericles. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Helena in A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Boston Theater Company), Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet (Boston Theater Company), and Stephano in The Tempest (Theatre in the Open).
Mikaela Hanrahan (she/her) is an Acting concentration from southeastern Wisconsin. She holds a BA in Music and Theatre from Luther College and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season she appears as Titania in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Ulysses/Hector/Cassandra/Music Director in Troilus & Cressida, Humphrey/Co-Music Director in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and Isabella in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Mikaela appeared as Cupid/Haebe/others in Galatea (Treehouse Shakespeare Ensemble), Bel-Imperia in The Spanish Tragedy, Lepido in Patient Grissel, and Gower in Pericles. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Janette Carter in Keep on the Sunny Side (Swift Creek Mill Theatre), Sir Hugh/Pistol in The Merry Wives of Windsor (Richmond Shakespeare), and Understudy/Acting Fellow for various roles in The Taming of the Shrew, Measure for Measure, and Much Ado About Nothing (American Shakespeare Center). mikaelahanrahan.com

Genevieve K. Henderson (she/her) is an Acting concentration most recently from Chicago, IL. She holds a BA in English and Theatre from Barnard College at Columbia University and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season she appears as Snug in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Lucinda/Jack/others/Music Director in The Beau Defeated, Michael in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and also serves as Production Dramaturg for The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Genevieve appeared as Pedringano/Isabella in The Spanish Tragedy, Fineo in The Courage To Right a Woman's Wrongs (Polaris Shakespeare Company), Messengers in Edward II (Treehouse Shakespeare Ensemble), and served as Production Dramaturg for The Two Gentlemen of Verona (Treehouse Shakespeare Ensemble). Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Red Ruth in Treasure Island (Endstation Theatre Company), Leanne in Puffs (Silver Line Theatre Exchange), and Sarah in Translations (Barnard College).
Adam Hobbs (he/him) is an Acting concentration from Columbia, SC. He holds a BFA in Musical Theatre from South Carolina School of the Arts and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season he appears as Bottom in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Betty/Belvoir/others in The Beau Defeated, Merrythought in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and Stadlin in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Adam appeared as Peter in The Rover, Feste in Twelfth Night, Gower in Pericles, and Susan/Ferryman in Arden of Faversham. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Seymour in Little Shop of Horrors (Wayne Theatre), Charlie in Kinky Boots (ShenanArts), and Horatio in Hamlet (Shakespeare in the Park Anderson, SC).

J Paige Hilton (she/her) is a Directing concentration from Lexington, VA. She holds a BFA in Performing Arts from Savannah College of Art and Design and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season she stage-managed A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Knight of the Burning Pestle, and co-stage-managed The Witch. She also appears as Troilus/Helen/Priam/Pre-Production Dramaturg/Costume Designer in Troilus and Cressida. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Paige appeared as Princess Neronis in Sir Clyomon and Sir Clamydes (Meadowlark Shakespeare Players) and stage-managed Cymbeline (Polaris Shakespeare Company) and The Spanish Tragedy. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, ASM for Falstettos (Actors Express), ASM for The Color Purple (Actors Express), and ASM for Angels in America Parts 1 & 2 (Actors Express).
Fawzia Istrabadi (she/they) is an Acting concentration from New York, NY. They hold an undergraduate degree from Earlham College and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season she is Dramaturg for Henry VIII and appears as Theseus in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Luce in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and Amoretta in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Fawzia appeared as Revenge in The Spanish Tragedy, Valentine/Viola (u/s) in Twelfth Night, and Gower in Pericles. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Juliet in Romeo and جولييت (Prague Shakespeare Company), Rosaline in Love’s Labours Lost (Prague Shakespeare Company), and Orsino in Twelfth Night (Prague Shakespeare Company). www.fawziaistrabadi.com

Jacob Laitinen (he/him) is an Acting concentration from Marquette, MI. He holds a BS in Theatre Performance from Northern Michigan University and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season he appears as Peter Quince/Fight Choreographer/Music Director in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Sir John/Mrs. Clarimont in The Beau Defeated, Barber/others/Fight Captain in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and Abberzanes in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Jacob appeared as Castille in The Spanish Tragedy, Orsino in Twelfth Night, Helicanus in Pericles, and Porter/King Duncan (u/s) in Macbeth (Treehouse Shakespeare Ensemble). Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Sir Toby in Twelfth Night (North Coast Theatre Festival), Sikes (Tecumseh! Outdoor Drama), and Oberon in A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Presque Isle Players). https://jacoblaitinen1015.wixsite.com/jacoblaitinenactor
Allison Lyne (she/her) is a Dramaturgy concentration from Charlottesville, VA. She holds a BA in English Literature from Christopher Newport University and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season she is a Production Dramaturg for The Beau Defeated and The Witch and appears as Snout/Cobweb in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Tapster/Assistant Stage Manager in The Knight of the Burning Pestle. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Allison was a Dramaturg for The Spanish Tragedy.

Caroline Lyons (she/her) is an Education concentration from Sandwich, MA. She holds a BFA in Acting from Pace University and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season she appears as a member of the 30-minute TYA production of The Winter's Tale, Catherine of Aragon in Henry VIII, and Hoppo/Boy in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Caroline appeared as Loretta in The Rover, Fisherman 1 and Diana in Pericles, and wrote and performed in ILL: A 20 Minute Clown Exploration of the Mental Health System. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Six Characters in Romeo and Juliet (Manhattan Shakespeare Project), Daphne in Jackie, Johnny and the Whoracle Named Daphne (New York City Fringe) and King Duncan in Macbeth (Vulcan Theater Company).
Molly Martinez-Collins (she/her) is an Acting concentration from San Antonio, TX. She holds a BA in Theatre and Dance from University of Texas at Austin and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season she appears as Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Ralph in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and Witch/Hermio in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Molly appeared as Hellena in The Rover, Michael in Arden of Faversham, Flora in The Courage to Right a Woman’s Wrongs (Polaris Shakespeare Company), and Thaisa in Pericles. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Tiny Tim/Fan in A Christmas Carol (American Shakespeare Center) and Jim in Treasure Island (Endstation Theatre Company).

Ronan Melomo (he/they) is an Acting concentration from Austin, TX. They hold a BFA in Theatre from NYU/Stella Adler Studio of Acting and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season he appears as King/Otto in The Winter’s Tale, Achilles/Agamemnon/Diomedes in Troilus and Cressida, Citizen George in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and Lord Governor in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Ronan appeared as Iachimo in Cymbeline (Polaris Shakespeare Company), Pericles in Pericles, and Belville in The Rover. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Orpheus in Eurydice (American Shakespeare Center), Duke Senior/Duke Frederick/Corin in As You Like It (American Shakespeare Center), and George Badger in Treasure Island (Endstation Theatre Company).
Christopher Niesner (he/they) is an Acting concentration from Austin, TX. They hold a BA in Acting and Directing from Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season he appears as Oberon in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Assistant Director/Paris/Patroclus/Nestor in Troilus & Cressida, Host/Mourner in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and Almachildes in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Christopher appeared as Hieronimo in The Spanish Tragedy, Camillo in The Winter’s Tale, Antonio in Twelfth Night and Pericles in Pericles. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Lucentio in The Taming of the Shrew (Magnificent Bastards) and Romeo in Romeo and Juliet (Magnificent Bastards).

Shawn Passero (he/him) is an Acting concentration from Grand Island, NY. He holds a BA in Theatre from the University at Albany and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season he appears as Demetrius in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Younger Clarimont/Mr. Rich in The Beau Defeated, Tim in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and Antonio in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Shawn appeared as Don Andrea in The Spanish Tragedy and Lysimachus in Pericles. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Judas in Godspell (SUNY Albany) and Romeo in Romeo and جولييت (Prague Shakespeare Company).
Hailey Pearce (she/her) is a Directing concentration from Conover, NC. She holds a BA in Theatre from Lenoir-Rhyne University and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season she directed Henry VIII, appears as Hippolyta/Mustardseed in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Boy 3 in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and is co-stage managing The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Hailey directed the staged readings of Doctor Faustus and Sir Clyomon and Sir Clamydes, appeared as Antiochus’ Daughter/Leonine in Pericles, and costume designed The Spanish Tragedy. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Stella in A Streetcar Named Desire, Miranda in The Tempest, and Gwendolyn in The Importance of Being Earnest.

Cait Redman (she/her) is a Directing concentration from Bellville, IL. She holds a BS in Theatre from Northwest Missouri State University and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season she directed Troilus and Cressida, assistant directed The Knight of the Burning Pestle and appears as Starveling/Props & Set in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Cait directed The Spanish Tragedy, co-directed Twelfth Night, and stage-managed Galatea (Treehouse Shakespeare Ensemble).
Jean Roche (she/her) is an Acting concentration from Memphis, TN. She holds a BFA in Theatre Performance from University of Memphis and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season she appears as Lysandra in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Mrs. Rich/Mrs. Fidget/Chris in The Beau Defeated, Venturewell in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and Hellwain/Fernando in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Jean appeared as Clytaemnestra in Clytaemnestra’s Revenge, Doctor Faustus in Doctor Faustus, and Pericles in Pericles. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Titania in A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Knoxville Shakespeare Company), Adriana in The Comedy of Errors (Knoxville Shakespeare Company), and Thaisa/Dionyza in Pericles (Tennessee Shakespeare Company).

Sarah Scarborough (she/her) is an Acting concentration. She holds a BA in Theatre/English from Anderson University and an MFA in Scenic Design from University of Missouri-Kansas City. This season she appears as Hermia in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Norfolk/Griffith/Surrey/others in Henry VIII, Pompiona in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and Hecate in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Sarah appeared as Valeria in The Rover, Scholar 2/Knight in Doctor Faustus, and Thaliard in Pericles. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Megan Jones in Puffs (Silverline Theatre Exchange), Lord Aster in Peter and the Starcatcher (Hollins University), and Mary in Mauritius (Wisdom Tooth Theatre Project). sarahscarborough.com
Petra Shearer (she/her) is an Acting concentration from Erie, PA. She holds a BA in English and Theatre from Gannon University and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season she appears as Helena/Co-Costume Designer in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Ajax/Thersites/Pandarus/Andromache in Troilus & Cressida, Mistress Merrythought in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and Duchess in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Petra costume designed The Rover and appeared as Ostorius in The Birth of Merlin (Treehouse Shakespeare Ensemble), Anthony in The Rover, and Dionyza in Pericles. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, director for The Tempest (Shakespeare Summer Nights), Lady Macbeth in Macbeth (Shakespeare Summer Nights), and Tamora in Titus Andronicus (Shakespeare Summer Nights).

Pete Sheldon (he/him) is an Acting concentration from Big Stone Gap, VA. He holds a BA in Theatre from Virginia Tech and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season he appears as Egeus/Philostrate/Moth in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Henry VIII/others/Music Director in Henry VIII, Boy 1/Co-Music Director in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and Sebastian in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Pete appeared as Balthazar in The Spanish Tragedy, Rafe in Doctor Faustus, and Sir Andrew in Twelfth Night. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Young Scrooge in A Christmas Carol (American Shakespeare Center), Understudy/Acting Fellow for various roles in As You Like It and Eurydice (American Shakespeare Center), and Understudy/Acting Fellow for various roles in The Taming of the Shrew, Measure for Measure, and Much Ado About Nothing (American Shakespeare Center).
Alaina Smith (she/her) is a Directing concentration from Nashville, TN. She holds a BA in Theatre and Art (with an emphasis in Graphic Design) from Freed-Hardeman University and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season she co-directed A Midsummer Night’s Dream and appears as Anne Boleyn/Chamberlain/others in Henry VIII, Boy 2 in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and Gaspero in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Alaina directed The Rover and the staged reading of Hero Dogberry and appeared as Marina in Pericles and Franklin in Arden of Faversham. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Lily St. Regis in Annie (Crane River Theater), Margaret/Gossip in Sense and Sensibility (Nashville Repertory Theatre), and Front Porch Storyteller in SMOKE (The Bell Witch Fall Festival).

Fallon Smyl (she/they) is a Directing concentration from Sault Ste. Marie, ON. They hold an undergraduate degree from Bowling Green State University and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season she directed The Beau Defeated, assistant directed Knight of the Burning Pestle and appears as a member of The Winter’s Tale and Malkin in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Fallon was ASM and Props Master for The Rover and appeared as Gower in Pericles and Pavia/Gratiana in Patient Grissel. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Director for Heartbeat Ophelia and The Actor’s Nightmare.
Johnny Williams III (he/him) is a Directing concentration from Kewanee, IL. He holds a BA in Theatre Arts from Monmouth College and an MLitt in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University. This season he co-directed A Midsummer Night’s Dream and appears as Cardinal Wolsey/others in Henry VIII, George in The Knight of the Burning Pestle, and Puckle in The Witch. Previously for Mary Baldwin Shakespeare & Performance, Johnny co-directed Twelfth Night, has been lighting designer for numerous productions, and appeared as Cleon in Pericles, Shakebag in Arden of Faversham, and The King of Spain in The Spanish Tragedy. Previous outside credits include, but are not limited to, Understudy/Acting Fellow for the American Shakespeare Center’s Spring 2022 Season, Co-Founder of Kewanee Park District Community Theatre, and past board member of Prairie Players Civic Theatre.